понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

building kitchen outdoor

If clarity�was intended our eyes would be made of crystal.�my legs were broken so that i wasnapos;t able to walk away... Oh what i would give for the freedom to run. My chest was cut open, while he tried to crawl inside. When he left he took my heart. Sometime in his possesion it became torn and mangled so that it was no longer recognizable. In deciding to return what was once his, he shoved it down my throat so that screams were made silent and i would never be whole again. Sewing me up, he spit into the wound so i could never truly abondon what used to be "us". Instead of blood, every emotion in my being slowly dripped away, forming a puddle of what i could never describe. "Use once and destroy" was all i could release before i let go for the last time.

fmhs.cnyric.org, building kitchen outdoor.

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